IPEBLA membership is open to any individual holding a law degree or other recognized professional legal qualification and who has practical experience advising for at least 50% on a range of legal aspects of pensions or other employee benefits (as a lawyer in private practice, as an employed lawyer, as an academic, as a qualified paralegal or as a supervisor or judicial or other government worker or retired from such office).

For application, see How to Apply at foot of this page.

Dues are normally paid for a two-year term but can be paid for one-year (and renewed the next year) if preferred. The two-year membership dues for the current membership year are €289 Euros, while the one-year membership dues are €184 Euros. 


  • Multiple Memberships - For every 3 members a firm has in one country, that firm is entitled to 1 additional memberships in that country FREE of charge.

  • Young Leaders - Pension law practitioners with less than 10 years experience receive their 1st year FREE. They must be nominated by a full IPEBLA member. In order to do this, please reach out to the IPEBLA Management office. 

  • Other stakeholders - Academics, supervisors,, judicial workers or other government officials and retired practitioners pay half the membership fee.

Last but not least, IPEBLA offers an Associate Membership category for individuals who by virtue of their roles in the pension, benefits and/or executive compensation sector(s) wish to maintain or obtain IPEBLA membership for non-commercial purposes and who cannot meet the requirements of full membership (i.e. being a legal professional with at least 50% work in the field of pensions). We invite you to share this Membership category with your networks in order to help grow IPEBLA’s reach and provide new opportunities for IPEBLA members to connect with non-lawyers working in the pension and/or benefit and/or executive compensation industry.  

When you become a member, you will receive a password entitling you to access the 'Members Only' section of IPEBLA's website, including access to conference papers and the members' directory.  You will also receive the IPEBLA International Pension Lawyer journal, as well as notice of upcoming teleconference and biennial and joint conference meetings. Please click HERE for a full list of member benefits and HERE to view a list of opportunities available to members.

Please note:

  • IPEBLA prefers payment by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). We offer a 5% discount on membership dues paid by EFT.
  • Net funds must be received; members are responsible for any transaction fees related to payment by wire transfer.
How to Apply:
  • You can apply for a one-year or two-year membership securely online by scrolling down and selecting a membership level below; or, send an email to for further assistance.

    Payment Options Available

    • Credit card (PayPal) - Select the One-Year Membership or Two-Year Membership options below, follow the prompts on the screen, and use the “pay online” option through the website
    • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) – 5% discount - Select the One-Year Membership or Two-Year Membership BANK TRANSFER ONLY options below, follow the prompts on the screen, and use the “pay offline” option through the website. IMPORTANT: Please include member name and invoice number on the wire transfer. You are responsible for the cost of the transfer.

    To pay in Euro: 

    • Credit card (PayPal) - Select the One-Year Membership or Two-Year Membership options below, follow the prompts on the screen, and use the “pay online” option through the website. 
    • Wire Transfer   5% discount - Select the One-Year Membership or Two-Year Membership BANK TRANSFER ONLY options below, follow the prompts on the screen, and use the “pay offline” option through the website. IMPORTANT: Please include member name and invoice number on the wire transfer. Your are responsible for the cost of the transfer. 

    Account name: International Pension & Employee Benefits Lawyers Association 
    Bank: ABN AMRO BANK N.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Account No.: 508493579 
    Swift code/BIC: ABNANL2A 
    Routing No./IBAN: NL05ABNA0508493579  

      Please contact the IPEBLA Management Office if you have any questions whatsoever.

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      Select membership level

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      * Membership level

      Contact us:

      215 E. Ridgewood Avenue, Suite 201
      Ridgewood, NJ 07450 USA

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